The Suborbital Editor: Introducing a Light Theme

The Suborbital Editor: Introducing a Light Theme

Houston, we have liftoff.

One week ago, we told you we would start revamping the editor, since our current editor does not visually blend into our customer’s applications.

We want to provide our customers with a more customizable editor experience that feels like a seamless part of their applications. So how can we fix that as quickly as possible?

We are excited to introduce the editor’s new light theme!

Light Theme

The new Suborbital Light theme, which now has predominant colors, white, light grey and "seafood green", which a light yellow code highlighting color.

Now applications can choose between light or dark editor themes to better match their UI. Having the ability to switch the editor’s theme has been a highly requested feature from our customers and we are thrilled to be able to deliver an initial version of that today.

But this is not the end. Though this additional theme provides our customers with a quick win, we intend to deliver more complex theming capabilities in the near future. Stay on the lookout for updates soon.

Sneak Peek

We are also working on paring down the UI to give the editor more space to breathe. Here is a sneak peek of what we are exploring.

The large panels on the side and bottom have been removed, and their functionality rolled into a navigation bar at the top. Doing so moves us closer to the goal of a more streamlined and seamless UI.

We are still exploring the interaction design for the editor's testing and logging capabilities, which need to take input and produce output for the user. We will provide an update once we determine how to do this without sacrificing the focus on the editor.

Want to give it a try? Visit and explore the capabilities of the Suborbital Extension Engine (SE2) or schedule a call with us to learn more!